Power surges can be damaging to the home, and should be prevented at all cost. From thunderstorms, to intense heat and freezing temperatures, it can be difficult at times for power companies to regulate distribution. Unstable distribution will increase the opportunity for surges to occur. Preventing these surges is typically left to the consumer to solve, and should be done so in a timely manner.
What causes power surges?
The operation of heavy-duty electrical appliances is often a major cause of power surges. When certain appliances are turned on and off frequently, a large amount of energy is used. Refrigerators, air-conditioners and elevators are all common.
More than half of the power surges are internal. These happen over 20 times a day, generally with motors that continuously start back up again. Small devices like hair dryers and power tools also cause power surges.
External power surges are caused by factors outside of the home, such as tree limbs touching a power line or an animal entering a transformer. After a power outage, an external surge can occur when the power turns back on.
Why worry about power surges?
Almost everything in a home can correlate to a power surge. All items with microprocessors are highly susceptible. Microprocessors are found in many consumer products including cell phones, computers, televisions, microwaves, dishwashers and refrigerators. Large power surges can cause fried circuits, but this type is less common. Low-level power surges gradually degrade internal circuitry, and will eventually fail completely.
Where are whole house surge protectors installed?
These protectors are usually hard-wired to your electrical box. They must be properly installed and grounded by a licensed electrician. If not, they will not be able to function properly.
Whole house surge protectors
The Whole House Panel Surge Protector is the main source of industrial protection for your home. This prevents high-energy surges from ever entering your home. It also provides the best defense for major appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers. With a whole house panel surge protector, your home’s electrical panel will be saved from power surge damage.
Every home should consider installing a whole house surge protector. The National Fire Protection Association and Business Home Safety recommends them. Help out your home with the protection it needs!
Want to know more? Visit GetNeighborly.com.
”This blog is made available by Mr. Electric for educational purposes only to give the reader general information and a general understanding on the specific subject above. The blog should not be used as a substitute for a licensed electrical professional in your state or region. Check with city and state laws before performing any household project.”
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