Unlike noisy and inconvenient portable generators that you have to lug out and set up in the event of an emergency or outage, standby generators offer convenient backup power that is always at-the-ready, and capable of kicking-in within seconds of power loss with little to no attention from you.
What makes them so darn convenient?
The setup. Standby generators, professionally installed with an automatic transfer switch, sense when power stops flowing to your home, transferring power to your standby system automatically to ensure minimal power interruption. When power from the electrical grid is restored, your home is then automatically transferred back to utility power, returning the generator to standby mode until its next use.
How do they make this fantastically fast power?
Much like the engine and alternator on your car – you add gas in the form of natural gas or liquid propane, and this energy is then converted to electricity for your home. But unlike your car – and noisy portable generators – the muscle that makes the power is housed outside in a weather-shielded, sound-deadening, permanently anchored box. Only the transfer switch (the brains of the op) remain inside and in contact with your home’s main breaker panel.
Do I really need one?
Today’s electrical grids are becoming increasingly unreliable. Age, inclement weather, natural disasters – even auto accidents and animals lead to frequent outages. “Hiccups” in the system (short power outages) are also occurring at increasing levels with sheer consumer electronic demand versus grid supply, making standby power high atop the must-have list for the prepared home and business owner. Powerful, long-lived, quieter and safer, these permanent power solutions are rising in popularity annually for their capacity to ensure comfort and safety, as well as to prevent financial losses (from that freezer full of food to production capacity at your local office) in the event of an outage.
Return on investment
A functional upgrade to your home, standby models do cost more than their portable cousins, running an estimated $5,000-10,000 on average. However they handle ALL of your homes electrical needs when properly sized – not just the well pump and refrigerator. And they don’t require you to go out mid or post-disaster and engage in setup. Payback beyond peace of mind and security varies by locale, in areas with a more mild climates seeing a lower return than areas that frequently experience weather “mishaps” – such as hurricane-prone Miami – which offer a near total return on investment.
Don’t let portable generators leave you hanging. You have the power to ensure the safety and security of those who count on you with the help of Mr. Electric. Learn more about installing a standby generator at your home or business today.
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This blog is made available by Mr. Electric for educational purposes only to give the reader general information and a general understanding on the specific subject above. The blog should not be used as a substitute for a licensed electrical professional in your state or region. Check with city and state laws before performing any household project.
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