I’ve been rock climbing for over 10 years, and I love it!!!! Here is what i learned from it:
When you climb, you have to trust your partner with your life! He/she is the one that stops you from smashing your head on the solid ground and thus keeps the ground clean (no bloody stains on the rocks 😉 ) When you fall (it will happen….) and they let go of the rope, you die! (Unless you are climbing free-solo: because there is no rope – meaning you are basically dead…unless you are Alex Honold ;). Rock climbing taught me to also trust other people in my everyday life. Sometimes I ask people to watch my stuff, trusting in their honesty or, for example, trust my friends to not dissapoint me.
When I hang onto the wall and it seems like I cannot do it, I look up and think of the moment I reach the final hold and then I decide to push and press on towards my goal: the top of the wall. The same goes with life! Sometimes everything seems impossible to do and one gets easily depressed and want to stop. But thats the moment when you have to pull yourself together and push towards your goals.
Set your goals high, and and dont stop till you get there! – Bo Jackson
Its ok to fail!!!
Sometimes I challenge myself and try something too hard for me, which usually ends up in falling/failing. But thats what learning is: falling and getting up again!! And thats waht life is all about! So whenever I fail at something, I try again, and again until I succed!! Never let anybody tell you that something is impossible! Erase that word from vocabulary!!!
Overcoming fear
When I was very little, I used to be afraid of heights. And when I first started climbing, it was all fine as long as I dindt look down—- but then, at the top I had to let go from the wall to rappel down.
I was so scared! But I learned to overcome it and now I love it!!! So whenever I am afraid, I try to not “run away” from it, but face it. Because thats the only way you can overcome it.
AAAHHHHH A SPIDER!!!……*taking a big breath*……..Oh hello little spider! You look really cute!!! 😀 😀
“Learn to love what you ve been taught to fear!” -Felix Baumgartner (the crazy dude who parachuted from space and broke the sound barrier!!!!!)
“There’s a constant tension in climbing, and really all exploration, between pushing yourself into the unknown but trying not to push too far. The best any of us can do is to tread that line carefully.” -Alex Honnold